ca. 1846-1885


Restrictions on Access

相册7、8和9的使用是受限的. 这个系列是彩色数码的 facsimiles (see links below). 影集7、8及9的彩色数码复制品可于 MHS Reading Room, DF-003. 专辑8也可在MHS在线演示 “玛丽安·胡珀·亚当斯:入选 Photographs and Letters.

不提供任何尺寸的玻璃板负片、玻璃板正片和幻灯片 for research use. 副本照片或扫描可用于替代观看. Consult 向参考馆员索取更多资料.

Collection Summary


这个收藏包括三本由 玛丽安·“克拉弗”·胡珀·亚当斯,1883-1885年. 这些图像包括正式和非正式的肖像 of U.S. 政治家,亚当斯和胡珀家族的成员,他们的朋友,还有 其他人为玛丽安·胡珀·亚当斯拍摄的肖像. 还包括华盛顿的照片, D.C.; Bladensburg, Md.; Old Sweet Springs, Va.; and the Adams family homes in Quincy and Beverly Farms, Mass.

Biographical Sketch

Marian Hooper Adams (MHA)于2009年9月13日出生在波士顿. 1843, to Robert W. Hooper, an 眼科医生艾伦(斯特吉斯饰)是一位超验派诗人. Her maternal grandfather was 威廉·斯特吉斯,一位著名的商人和波士顿-中国贸易的先驱. Known to friends 她的母亲去世后,她和她的两个兄弟姐妹由父亲抚养长大 when she was only five. 1872年,克拉弗嫁给了历史学家兼作家亨利·亚当斯(Henry Adams) 这对夫妇在欧洲度蜜月. 1877年,他们搬到了华盛顿,克拉弗就是在那里出名的 因为她的“沙龙”和女主人能力. 她于1883年开始摄影,她的作品涉及面很广 虽然亨利亚当斯显然不鼓励出版她的照片.

1885年父亲去世后,克洛弗患上了严重的抑郁症 这似乎困扰着她的一些家庭成员. 1885年12月初,她带走了她 own life. 亨利·亚当斯在奥古斯都大街旁为克拉弗立了一座纪念碑. Gaudens in Rock Creek Park, Washington, D.C.

Collection Description

克拉弗·亚当斯的这组照片是通过收集所有已知的照片而创作的 她的照片,以及她在马萨诸塞州历史学会的照片. The majority of the 照片是从亨利·亚当斯的照片中删除的(照片. Coll. 40), the Adams-Thoron photographs (Photo. Coll. 和胡珀-亚当斯的论文. 剩下的照片 来自松散的杂项照片或来历不明的照片. Some of the 这些照片仍然保存在它们原来的位置,这在 list. 其中包括1张三叶草的银版相片,7张她拍的玻璃板底片,还有一张 在亨利亚当斯的相册5和6.

克拉弗从1883年5月到1883年1月,按时间顺序写了一本笔记(在《利记APP官网手机版》中). 1884 列出了她的许多照片,并评论了曝光,照明等. A photocopy of the 笔记本与这个利记手机官网放在一起供参考. 本指南记录了它去过的地方 确定)在笔记本中提到的图像,如“笔记本,[日期],[号码]”中的 photograph list.

玛丽安·胡珀·亚当斯的照片由3本相册和25张松散的照片组成 玛丽安·“克拉弗”·胡珀·亚当斯(MHA). 这三张专辑的编号分别是7,8,9 他们原来的顺序在亨利·亚当斯的照片(图. Coll. 40). Album 7 contains 47 images; Album 8 contains 48 images, and Album 9 contains 18 images. There are 14 other (loose) 由MHA拍摄或可能由MHA拍摄的图像. MHA有9张图片,其中一张(图). #50.过去被认为是她的画像,但现在受到质疑. In 另外,还有2张照片(照片). #50.132-133页的一封轮船信件 to her father in July 1872. 信的原件在卫生部亚当斯的文件里.

Acquisition Information

大部分照片都是从亨利·亚当斯的照片中删除的. Coll. 40),亚当斯-索伦照片(图. Coll. 和胡珀-亚当斯的论文.

Restrictions on Access

相册7、8和9的使用是受限的. 这个系列是彩色数码的 facsimiles (see links below). 影集7、8及9的彩色数码复制品可于 MHS Reading Room, DF-003. 专辑8也可在MHS在线演示 “玛丽安·胡珀·亚当斯:入选 Photographs and Letters.

不提供任何尺寸的玻璃板负片、玻璃板正片和幻灯片 for research use. 副本照片或扫描可用于替代观看. Consult 向参考馆员索取更多资料.

Other Formats

MHS在线演示,”玛丽安·胡珀·亚当斯:《利记手机官网》的数字图像 第8册的所有照片,以及玛丽安·胡珀·亚当斯和亨利的精选信件 Adams and other items.


I. Marian Hooper Adams摄影digital content

封面内题词:“玛丽安·亚当斯/ 1883-1884/华盛顿." Inscription on an inside 玛丽安·亚当斯/ 1883年5月-/华盛顿/ D.C -/ Vol 1 - .“所有照片都是玛丽安拍的 胡珀·亚当斯,除非另有说明.


A. Album 7: Washington, D.C., 1883-1884digital content


注意:本相册的使用是受限的. 彩色数码传真也是如此 可于MHS阅览室阅览,编号DF-003.

Vol. 7p. 1#50.1 digitized
"Lafayette Sq., Dec. 1883."Caption written by MHA.

Taken in Washington, D.C.

Vol. 7p. 2#50.2 digitized
"N. L. Anderson's house, 16th & K Sts., 1883."Caption written by MHA.

Taken in Washington, D.C.

See Notebook, 11/19/83, no. 4.

Vol. 7p. 3#50.3 digitized
"K. St. gate."Caption written by MHA.

Driveway designed by H. H. Richardson, Washington, D.C.

See Notebook, 11/19/83, no. 5.

Vol. 7p. 4#50.4 digitized
"Rafael Pumpelly."Caption written by HA.
Vol. 7p. 5#50.5 digitized
"John Hay, 1883."Caption written by MHA.

With Democracy.

See Notebook, 11/27/83.

Vol. 7p. 6#50.6 digitized
"John Hay, 1883 ."Caption written by MHA.

Writing at desk.


Vol. 7p. 7#50.7 digitized
"George Bancroft, 1883."Caption written by MHA.

Writing at desk.

See Notebook, 11/28/83, no. 7.

Vol. 7p. 8#50.8 digitized
"Mrs. Bancroft, 1883."Caption written by MHA.

Mrs. 乔治·班克罗夫特(伊丽莎白·戴维斯饰).

See Notebook, 11/28/83, no. 5, 6.

Vol. 7p. 9#50.9 digitized
"R. Dodge."Caption written by MHA.

Rebecca Dodge with banjo.

See Notebook, 12/28/83, no. 11, "very good."

Vol. 7p. 10#50.10 digitized
"R. D., Feb. 8, 1884."Caption written by MHA.


Vol. 7p. 11#50.11 digitized
"H. H. Richardson, 1884."Caption written by MHA.

In Henry Adams's study.

See Notebook, 1/18/84.

Vol. 7p. 12#50.12 digitized
"Señor Dupuy de Lome."Caption written by MHA.
Vol. 7p. 13#50.13 digitized
"Señora Dupuy de Lome."Caption written by MHA.

Taken in Mantilla.

See Notebook, 1/20/84, no. 5, 6.

Vol. 7p. 14#50.14 digitized
"Judge O. W. Holmes Jr., Feb. 1884."Caption written by MHA.

Oliver W. Holmes, Jr., seated, facing right.

Vol. 7p. 15#50.15 digitized
"O. W. H. Jr., 1884."Caption written by MHA.

Oliver W. Holmes, Jr., seated, facing left.

Vol. 7p. 16#50.16 digitized
"Possum, Marquis, Boojum."Caption written by MHA.

Three dogs at tea in garden.

See Notebook, 11/5/83, no. 8, "extremely good."

Same image as photo #50.93.

Vol. 7p. 17#50.17 digitized
"L. S."Caption written by MHA.


Vol. 7p. 18#50.18 digitized
"L. Q. C. Lamar, Feb. 23, 1884."Caption written by MHA.

Seated, holding newspaper.

Vol. 7p. 19#50.19 digitized
"J. B. Gordon, Feb. 23, 1884."Caption written by MHA.

Seated, holding newspaper.

Vol. 7p. 20
[Photograph missing.] "H. A., 1884."Caption written by MHA.
Vol. 7p. 21#50.20 digitized
"Jerome Bonaparte, March 16, 1884."Caption written by MHA.

Seated, with trumpet.

Vol. 7p. 22#50.21 digitized
"Mrs. F. D. Millet."Caption written by MHA.

Seated, in Roman costume.

Vol. 7p. 23#50.22 digitized
"Mrs. F. D. Millet."Caption written by MHA.

Standing, in Roman costume.

Vol. 7p. 24#50.23 digitized
"R. Dodge, Feb. 1884."Caption written by MHA.


Vol. 7p. 25#50.24 digitized
"Miss Silsbee."Caption written by HA.

Patty Silsbee.

See Notebook, 1/22/84, no. 8.

Vol. 7p. 26#50.25 digitized
"J. W. Field, Feb. 1884."Caption written by MHA.
Vol. 7p. 27#50.26 digitized
"Mrs. Field, 1884."Caption written by MHA.
Vol. 7p. 28#50.27 digitized
"Feb. 1884."Caption written by MHA.

Ed. 比尔的獒犬,站在外面.

Vol. 7p. 29#50.28 digitized
"Feb. 1884."Caption written by MHA.

Ed. 比尔的獒犬,在外面躺着.

Vol. 7p. 30#50.29 digitized
"Wm. M. Evarts, March 1884."Caption written by MHA.


Vol. 7p. 31#50.30 digitized
"Wm. M. Evarts, 15 March 1884."Caption written by MHA.


Vol. 7p. 32#50.31 digitized
西班牙公使馆的恩里克·迪皮伊·德·洛美夫人."Caption written by HA.
Vol. 7p. 33#50.32 digitized
"Mrs Willius [?] Peters."Caption written by HA.

Seated, with screen.

Vol. 7p. 34#50.33 digitized
"Mrs. Willius [?] Peters."

Standing, profile.

Vol. 7p. 35#50.34 digitized
"Mrs Willius [?] Peters."Caption written by HA.

Standing, hand on chair.

Vol. 7p. 36#50.35 digitized
"Miss Lucy Frelinghuysen."Caption written by HA.

In H. A.'s study, seated, 3/4 length.

Probably in notebook, 9/4/83.

Vol. 7p. 37#50.36 digitized
"Miss Pendleton."Caption written by HA.

Seated, playing harp.

Vol. 7p. 38#50.37 digitized
"House on Tenally-town Road."Caption written by HA.
Vol. 7p. 39#50.38 digitized
"House in Georgetown."Caption written by HA.
Vol. 7p. 40#50.39 digitized
“特纳利镇路上的一棵松树."Caption written by HA.
Vol. 7p. 41#50.40 digitized
"Mrs. George Bancroft." Caption written by HA.

Elizabeth Davis Bancroft.

Vol. 7p. 42#50.41 digitized
"Arlington."Caption written by HA.

View of cemetery

See Notebook, 11/15/83, no. 11.

Same image as #50.94

Vol. 7p. 43#50.42 digitized
"Adams House at Quincy."Caption written by HA.
Vol. 7p. 44#50.43 digitized
Charles F. Adams, Jr., seated, facing camera.
Vol. 7p. 45#50.44 digitized
"C. F. Adams Jr."Caption written by HA.

Standing, 3/4 length.

Vol. 7p. 46#50.45 digitized
"George & Molly at Beverly Farms."Caption written by HA.

George C. Adams and Mary Adams.

Vol. 7p. 47#50.46 digitized
"Miss Graff at Beverly Farms."Caption written by HA.

Seated in hammock with book.

Vol. 7p. 48#50.47 digitized
"Beverly Farms."Caption written by HA.

View of piazza.

B. 第八辑:肖像与风景 1883digital content


注意:本相册的使用是受限的. 彩色数字传真是 可于MHS阅览室阅览,编号DF-003. 数字图像也可在MHS找到 online presentation 《利记APP官网手机版》.

Vol. 8p. 1#50.48 digitized
"Wests' Beach, G. C. Adams' cat boat." Caption written by MHA.

Dandelion, with CFA 3rd.

See Notebook, 8/19/83, nos. 1-4.

Vol. 8p. 2#50.49 digitized
"G. C. A., C. F. A 3d, M. O. A., M. A." Caption written by MHA.

George C. Adams, Charles F. Adams, Mary O. 亚当斯和玛丽·亚当斯在比佛利农场坐下 on rocks.

可能在1983年7月12日的笔记本上. 4, 5, 6, 11, 12: "Ames & Adams group in front of rock."

Vol. 8p. 3#50.50 digitized
"H. Adams & Marquis." Caption written by MHA.


See Notebook, 5/6/83, no. 3.

Vol. 8p. 4#50.51 digitized
"Miss Langdon, Toto & Marquis."Caption written by MHA.


See Notebook, 5/6/83, no. 4.

Vol. 8p. 5#50.52 digitized#6.2.1 digitized

Photo. 50.52 is a print in the album. Photo. 6.2.1是相同的图像,是玻璃 plate negative. 底片来自胡珀-亚当斯的论文.
Photo. 6.2.1 IS RESTRICTED.

可能是在1983年8月19日的笔记本上,不是. 6.

Vol. 8p. 6#50.53 digitized
“‘雨伞’树,史密斯角."Caption written by MHA.

See Notebook, 8/26/83, no. 11 or 12.

Vol. 8p. 7#50.54 digitized
Adams group on rocks.

可能在1983年7月12日的笔记本上. 4, 5, 6, 11, 12.

Vol. 8p. 8#50.55 digitized
Adams group on rocks.

可能在1983年7月12日的笔记本上. 4, 5, 6, 11, 12.

Vol. 8p. 9#50.56 digitized
"Pitch Pines Hill."Caption written by MHA.

House at Beverly Farms.

可能在笔记本上,1983年7月24日,不. 6.

Vol. 8p. 10#50.57 digitized
"Powhatan."Caption written by MHA.

Horse with groom, Brent.

See Notebook, 7/27/83, no. 9 or 10.

Vol. 8p. 11#50.58 digitized
"F. Parkman."Caption written by MHA.


See Notebook, 7/29/83, no. 11 or 12.

Vol. 8p. 12#50.59 digitized
"F. Parkman."Caption written by MHA.


See Notebook, 7/29/83, no. 11 or 12.

Vol. 8p. 13#50.60 digitized
"C. F. A., A. B. A."Caption written by MHA.

Charles F. 亚当斯和阿比盖尔·布鲁克斯·亚当斯在昆西老房子广场上.

See Notebook, 7/30/83, no. 1 or 2.

Vol. 8p. 14#50.61 digitized
"Snowdon & B. A."Caption written by MHA.


See Notebook, 7/31/83, no. 4.

Vol. 8p. 15#50.62 digitized
"Mrs. T. Lyman & T. L. Jr."Caption written by MHA.

Mrs. 西奥多(米米)莱曼和“泰迪”(T. L., Jr.) under trees.

See Notebook, 8/8/83, prob. no. 8.

Vol. 8p. 16#50.63 digitized#6.2.1 digitized
"Mrs. J. Scott & Boojum."Caption written by MHA.

Mrs. 吉姆·斯科特和他的狗坐在曼彻斯特歌唱海滩东端的岩石旁.

Photo. 50.63 is a print in the album. Photo. 6.2.2是相同的图像,是玻璃 plate negative. 底片来自胡珀-亚当斯的论文.
Photo 6.2.2 IS RESTRICTED.

See Notebook, 8/8/83, no. 9.

Vol. 8p. 17#50.64 digitized
Mrs. 吉姆·斯科特坐在歌唱海滩东端的岩石上, Manchester.

See Notebook, 8/8/83, no. 10.

Vol. 8p. 18#50.65 digitized
"Mrs. Pratt, Mrs. Howe, A. Pratt."Caption written by MHA.

Mrs. Ellerton Pratt, Mrs. George D. 还有爱丽丝·普拉特在史密斯角的岩石上.

See Notebook, 8/8/83, no. 1.

Vol. 8p. 19#50.66 digitized
"Mrs. Bell."Caption written by MHA.

Mrs. 约瑟夫·贝尔在史密斯角的岩石上.

See Notebook, 8/8/83, no. 11.

Vol. 8p. 20#50.67 digitized
"Betsy & Dandy."Caption written by MHA.


See Notebook, 8/10/83, no. 3 or 4.

Vol. 8p. 21#50.68 digitized
"R. W. H. & Kitty."Caption written by MHA.

Robert W. 胡珀坐在马拉的马车里.

See Notebook, 8/12/83, no. 5 or 6.

Vol. 8p. 22#50.69 digitized
"R. W. H."Caption written by MHA.

Robert W. 胡珀和树站在户外.

See Notebook, 8/12/83, no. 7 or 8.

Vol. 8p. 23#50.70 digitized
"Aunt Eunice Hooper, b. 1800."

In bedroom at Marblehead.

See Notebook, 8/13/83, no. 11.

Vol. 8p. 24#50.71 digitized
"H. A."Caption written by MHA.

亨利·亚当斯坐在书桌前,写着东西. image from p. 5.

可能在笔记本上,83年8月19日,不. 5.

Vol. 8p. 25#50.72 digitized

See Notebook, 8/26/83, no. 11 or 12.

不同于相册8,p. 6.

Vol. 8p. 26#50.73 digitized
"J. Lowndes & Marquis."Caption written by MHA.



Vol. 8p. 27#50.74 digitized
"J. Lowndes & Boojum."Caption written by MHA.

詹姆斯·朗兹在贝弗利农场,坐在户外的藤椅上看书,狗在旁边 feet.

See Notebook, 8/27/83.

Vol. 8p. 28#50.75 digitized
"Polly, Ellen, and Loulie."Caption written by MHA.


See Notebook, 8/19/83, no. 11, "very nice."

Vol. 8p. 29#50.76 digitized
"Marquis & Possum."Caption written by MHA.

Two dogs at tea in garden.

See Notebook, 8/27/83.

Vol. 8p. 30#50.77 digitized
"Mr. Sidney Bartlett."Caption written by MHA.


See Notebook, 8/31/83, no. 5 or 6.

Vol. 8p. 31#50.78 digitized

See Notebook, 8/31/83, no. 5 or 6.

Different image from #50.77.

Vol. 8p. 32#50.79 digitized
"Miss Minot."Caption written by MHA.


See Notebook, 9/4/83.

Vol. 8p. 33#50.80 digitized
"'Dana' beach."Caption written by MHA.



Vol. 8p. 34#50.81 digitized
"L. de Hegermann."Caption written by MHA.

Lillie de Hegermann-Lindencrone,半长,西班牙裙.

See Notebook, 9/16/83, no. 1 or 2.

Vol. 8p. 35#50.82 digitized
Lillie de Hegermann-Lindencrone,半长,西班牙裙.

See Notebook, 9/16/83, no. 1 or 2.

Different image from #50.82.

Vol. 8p. 36#50.83 digitized
"N. Moulton."

See Notebook, 9/16/83, no. 3.

Vol. 8p. 37#50.84 digitized
"Mrs. Lucius Sargent."
"Mrs. Sargent."

Mrs. Lucius M. 萨金特(玛丽安·阿普尔顿·柯立芝饰).

See Notebook, 9/16/83, no. 4.

Vol. 8p. 38#50.85 digitized
"Beverly Farms."Caption written by MHA.

T. K. 洛斯罗普的奶牛在贝弗利农场的草地上.


Vol. 8p. 39#50.86 digitized
T. K. 洛斯罗普的奶牛在贝弗利农场的草地上.Caption written by MHA.

See Notebook, 9/24/83, no. 2 or 3.

Different image from #50.85.

Vol. 8p. 40#50.87 digitized
"Parlor at B. Farms."Caption written by MHA.

See Notebook, 9/22/83, no. 1.

Vol. 8p. 41#50.88 digitized
"Muse of American History."


Notebook, 10/9/83, no. 12.

Vol. 8p. 42#50.89 digitized
"J. Hay, Cleveland, O."Caption written by MHA.


See Notebook, 10/10/83, no. 3.

Vol. 8p. 43#50.90 digitized
"Alice Hay."Caption written by MHA.


See Notebook, 10/10/83, no. 1, "very good."

Vol. 8p. 44#50.91 digitized
"Helen & Del Hay."Caption written by MHA.


See Notebook, 10/10/83, no. 6.

Vol. 8p. 45#50.92 digitized

See Notebook, 10/10/83, no 5.

Vol. 8p. 46#50.93 digitized
"Possum, Marquis, Boojum."Caption written by MHA.

Three dogs at tea in garden.

See Notebook, 11/5/83, no. 8, "extremely good".

Same image as Photo. #50.16.

Vol. 8p. 47#50.94 digitized
"'Dormitis nostra - memoria vestra.'" Arlington, Nov. 1883."
Caption written by MHA.


See Notebook, 11/5/83, no. 11.

Same image as Photo. #50.41.

Vol. 8p. 48#50.95 digitized
"Emily Beale/ Mrs. John McLean."
"E. T. B."


See Notebook, 11/12/83, no. 1 or 2.

C. 专辑9:肖像和风景; ca. 1885digital content


注意:本相册的使用是受限的. 彩色数码传真也是如此 可于MHS阅览室阅览,编号DF-003.

Vol. 9p. 1#50.96 digitized
“法尔茅斯的黛西·海沃德小姐."Caption written by HA.


Vol. 9p. 2#50.97 digitized
"Mill at Falmouth."Caption written by HA.


Vol. 9p. 7#50.98 digitized
"House at Bladensburg."Caption written by HA.
Vol. 9p. 8#50.99 digitized
"House at Bladensburg."Caption written by HA.
Vol. 9p. 9#50.100 digitized
"House at Bladensburg."Caption written by HA.
Vol. 9p. 10#50.101 digitized
"House at Bladensburg."Caption written by HA.
Vol. 9p. 11#50.102 digitized
"Señor Valera."Caption written by HA.

1/2 length portrait.

Vol. 9p. 12#50.103 digitized
"John La Farge."Caption written by HA.


Vol. 9p. 13#50.104 digitized
Vol. 9p. 14#50.105 digitized
"Nelson A. Miles."Caption written by HA.

1/2 length portrait.

Vol. 9p. 17#50.106 digitized
1885年6月,弗吉尼亚,老甜泉,丽贝卡·道奇,克利福德·理查森,H. A."Caption written by HA.

On piazza of house.

Vol. 9p. 19#50.107 digitized
"Old Sweet, H. A., Clifford Richardson."Caption written by HA.


Vol. 9p. 21#50.108 digitized
"Old Sweet."Caption written by HA.


Vol. 9p. 23#50.109 digitized
"Old Sweet Springs, June 1885, Rebecca Dodge."Caption written by HA.


Vol. 9p. 25#50.110 digitized
"Old Sweet, Rebecca Dodge."Caption written by HA.


Vol. 9p. 27#50.111 digitized
弗吉尼亚的农舍,老甜泉, June 1885."Caption written by HA.


Vol. 9p. 29#50.112 digitized
"Virginia farm-house."Caption written by HA.


Vol. 9p. 31#50.113 digitized
"Virginia farm."Caption written by HA.


D. 相册里没有的散乱照片digital content

请注意,从这个收集玻璃板底片存储在一个单独的 收藏:玛丽安·胡珀·亚当斯玻璃板底片(图. Coll. 6.2).


玻璃板负片,玻璃板正片和任何尺寸的幻灯片都不是 available for research use. 副本照片或扫描可作为替代 viewing. 向参考图书管理员咨询更多信息.

Portraitsdigital content

Arranged alphabetically.

Box 1#50.114
Adams, Henry, Apr. 1872.Possibly taken by MHA. Copy photographer unknown.名片复印件照片.

On verso: "H. A. 1872年4月/ H .克拉弗的房间. A.'s hand. Also on verso: "Removed from Black Album" in C. Steele's hand


Box 1#50.115
亨利·亚当斯(1838-1918)在伊希斯的船舱里, 1873.Previously attributed to MHA. 现在被认为是画家的自画像 HA.

Photo. 50.115 is a copy photograph. 见亨利·亚当斯照片,照片. 40.160 for an original print.

Box 1#50.116
亚当斯,亨利,带着狗在游戏室的窗口, July 1883.

See Notebook, 7/20/83, nos. 1 & 2.


Box 1#50.117 digitized#6.2.3 digitized
亚当斯,亨利,在书房里. Aug. 1883.

Photo. 50.117 is a print in the album. Photo. 6.2.3是相同的图像,是玻璃 plate negative. 底片来自胡珀-亚当斯的论文.
Photo. 6.2.3 IS RESTRICTED.

See Notebook, 7/20/83, nos. 1 & 2.

Variant of photo #50.71.


Box 1#50.118
亚当斯,亨利,带着狗负鼠,侧身坐着, 1884.

可能在1983年11月4日的笔记本上. 7.


Box 1#50.119
[Lyman, Mrs. 西奥多和小西奥多·莱曼., seated under trees].

See Notebook, 8/8/83, no. 7.


[#50.120]#6.2.4 digitized
[身份不明的妇女和儿童在木屋门口。.]Glass plate negative.

Possibly taken by MHA.

Photo. 6.2.4 is a glass plate negative. [#50.120]作为占位符编号分配给 维护此利记手机官网内的顺序计数.
Photo. 6.2.4 IS RESTRICTED.

Viewsdigital content

Box 2#50.121
Dining room at Beverly Farms.


Box 2#50.122a-b
H街1603号房屋建造工程., Washington, D.C., 1 Dec. 1884.亨利·亚当斯拍摄,玛丽安·H. Adams.

有两种不同的观点,照片. 50.122a and Photo. 50.122b.

原始照片附在亨利·亚当斯写给30岁的约翰·海的信中 Nov. 1884年亚当斯家族文件中. 原来的照片现在放在这里 带着信的复印件.

Box 2#50.123


[#50.124]#6.2.5 digitized
[未确定的树木、岩石和栅栏景观].Glass plate negative.

Possibly taken by MHA


Photo. 6.2.5 is a glass plate negative. [#50.[124]作为占位符编号分配给 维护此利记手机官网内的顺序计数.
Photo.6.2.5 IS RESTRICTED.

[#50.125]#6.2.6 digitized
[树木、谷仓和周围土地的不明景观.]Glass plate negative.

Possibly taken by MHA.


Photo. 6.2.6 is a glass plate negative. [#50.125]作为占位符编号分配给 维护此利记手机官网内的顺序计数.
Photo.6.2.6 IS RESTRICTED.

[#50.126]#6.2.7 digitized
[树木,土地和水的不明视图.]Glass plate negative.

Possibly taken by MHA


Photo. 6.2.7 is a glass plate negative. [#50.[126]作为占位符编号分配给 维护此利记手机官网内的顺序计数.
Photo. 6.2.7 IS RESTRICTED.

Box 2#50.127
Unidentified view of beach.


II. Marian Hooper Adams的照片digital content

Arranged chronologically.

Box 2#50.128
亚当斯,玛丽安·胡珀(1843-1885)和狗和阿比盖尔·布鲁克斯在广场上的房子, n.d.Copy photograph.Photographer unknown.


Location of original unknown.

[#50.129]#1.433 digitized
亚当斯,玛丽安·胡珀(1843-1885)小时候, ca. 1846.手工上色第六版达盖尔版照相.Photographer unknown.这张照片是单独存储在MHS达盖尔照相术收集(照片. Coll. 1).
要请求此项目,请点击 this link 到MHS目录,然后点击红色的“放置请求”按钮.


[#50.[129]被分配为占位符编号,以维持其中的顺序计数 collection. See Daguerreotype collection.

Box 2#50.130
亚当斯,玛丽安·胡珀(1843-1885), ca. 1851-1852.Taken by Southworth & Hawes (Boston, Mass.).


Box 2#50.131 digitized
亚当斯,玛丽安·胡珀(1843-1885)在贝弗利农场的马背上, Oct. 1869.Photographer unknown.Tintype.


Box 2#50.132
亚当斯,玛丽安·胡珀(1843-1885),她写给父亲的信中的一页, 13 July 1872.Photographer unknown.Copy photograph.


Box 2#50.133
亚当斯,玛丽安·胡珀(1843-1885),船上的客舱草图, 13 July 1872.Photographer unknown.Copy photograph.


Box 2#50.134
亚当斯,玛丽安·胡珀(1843-1885),可能是合影,“在 在温洛克教堂的分会会所。” 1873.Photographer unknown.

#50.134 is a copy photograph. 也见亨利·亚当斯照片,照片. #40.186.

亚当斯,玛丽安·胡珀(1843-1885),可能是合影,“在 在温洛克教堂的分会会所。” 1873.Photographer unknown.

Different image from Photo. #50.134.

[#50.135]被分配为占位符编号,以保持其中的顺序计数 collection. 见亨利·亚当斯照片,照片. #40.187.

Box 2#50.136
亚当斯,玛丽安·胡珀(1843-1885),可能是合影,“在废墟上。 stairs of Wenlock Abbey," 1873.Photographer unknown.

#50.136 is a copy photograph. 也见亨利·亚当斯照片,照片. #40.188.

Box 2#50.137
亚当斯,玛丽安·胡珀(1843-1885),抱着狗,脸被帽子遮住了, ca. 1875-1885.Photographer unknown.Tintype.
玛丽安·胡珀·亚当斯(1843-1885),可能是一群人在Mount Vernon, 1887. [小组成员包括亨利·亚当斯,W.C. Endicott, Lord Herschell and others.]Photograph by Luke C. Dillon.


[#50.138]被分配为占位符编号,以维持其中的顺序计数 collection. 请参阅4x5黑白底片,Repro. 1136.



这些图像可供研究人员使用和复制. Please see the Reference 图书管理员在要求复制原始图像时. 下面的书单指的是 包含插图的照片从这个利记手机官网. These books are:

Eugenia Kaledin, The Education of Mrs. Henry Adams, Philadelphia, 1981.

J. C. Levenson, et al, editors, The Letters of Henry Adams, Volume II: 1868-1885, Cambridge, 1982.

Ward Thoron, editor, The Letters of Mrs. Henry Adams, 1865-1883, Boston, 1936.

Otto Freidrich, Clover, New York, 1979.

Photo #
#50.5 -In Kaledin, p. 207
-In Thoron, p. 374
#50.6 -In Letters II, facing p. 572
#50.7 -In Kaledin, p. 200
-In Letters II, facing p. 358
#50.8 -In Kaledin, p. 201
#50.9 -In Letters II, facing p. 235
#50.11 -In Kaledin, p. 212
-In Letters II, facing p. 572
-In Friedrich, after p. 128
#50.15 -In Kaledin, p. 209
#50.16 -In Friedrich, after p. 128
-In Thoron, p. 298
#50.17 -In Kaledin, p. 204
#50.20 -In Kaledin, p. 203
#50.29 -In Kaledin, p. 211
#50.40 -In Kaledin, p. 200
-In Letters II, facing p. 358
#50.43 -In Kaledin, p. 202
#50.45 -In Kaledin, p. 201
#50.46 -In Kaledin, p. 205
#50.49 -In Friedrich, after p. 128
#50.50 -In Friedrich, after p. 128
-In Thoron, p. 414
#50.52 -In Kaledin, p. 203
#50.56 -In Kaledin, p. 210
-In Letters II, facing p. 234
#50.59 -In Kaledin, p. 207
#50.60 -In Kaledin, p. 202
-In Friedrich, after p. 128
-In Thoron, p. 388
#50.65 -In Kaledin, p. 205
#50.67 -In Kaledin, p. 208
-In Friedrich, after p. 128
-In Thoron, p. 298
#50.68 -In Kaledin, p. 208
-In Friedrich, facing p. 128
-In Thoron, p. 230
#50.70 -In Friedrich, after p. 128
#50.71 -In Thoron, p. 260
#50.74 -In Thoron, p. 332
#50.79 -In Kaledin, p. 204
#50.87 -In Letters II, facing p. 234
-In Friedrich, after p. 128
#50.93 -In Friedrich, after p. 128
-In Thoron, p. 298
#50.103 -In Kaledin, p. 210
-In Letters II, facing p. 496
#50.105 -In Kaledin, p. 206
#50.115 -In Friedrich, after p. 128
-In Thoron, p. 64
#50.117 -In Letters II, facing p. 497, dates it 13 Aug. 1883
#50.118 -In Kaledin, p. 199
-In Letters II, frontispiece
#50.122 -In Letters II, facing p. 573
-In Friedrich, after p. 128, dated Dec. 1884
#50.130 -In Friedrich, facing p. 128
#50.131 -In Letters II, facing p. 132
-In Friedrich, after p. 128
-In Thoron, frontispiece
#50.132 -In Friedrich, after p. 128
-In Thoron, p. 14
#50.133 -In Friedrich, after p. 128
-In Thoron, p. 14
#50.134 -In Friedrich, after p. 128
-In Thoron, p. 132
#50.135 -In Letters II, facing p. 159

Name Subject Index

没有相册或页码的照片是存放在盒子1和2中的松散照片. Note that 许多松散的照片位于另一个收藏中. 更多信息请参考指南 details.

Name Photo #
Adams, Abigail Brooks #50.60
Adams, Brooks, 1848-1927 #50.61
查尔斯·弗朗西斯·亚当斯(1807-1886 #50.60
Adams, Charles F. (查尔斯·弗朗西斯)(1835-1915 #50.43
Adams, Charles F. (查尔斯·弗朗西斯)(1866-1954 #50.49
Adams, George C #50.45
Adams, Henry , 1838-1918 #50.50
Adams, Marian, 1843-1885 #50.128
See also Photo. 1.433 [daguerreotype]
Adams, Mary #50.45
玛丽·奥格登·亚当斯(1843-1935 #50.49
Bancroft, George, 1800-1891 #50.7
Elizabeth Davis Bancroft, 1803-1886 #50.8
Bartlett, Sidney, 1799-1889 #50.77
Bell, Mrs. Joseph #50.66
Bonaparte, Jerome #50.20
Dodge, Rebecca #50.9
Dupuy de Lome, Enrique #50.12
Dupuy de Lome, Señora #50.13
威廉·麦克斯韦(1818-1901) #50.29
Field, J. W. #50.25
Field, Mrs. #50.26
Frelinghuysen, Lucy #50.35
Graff, [Miss] #50.46
约翰·布朗·戈登(1832-1904 #50.19
Hay, Alice #50.90
Hay, Del #50.91
Hay, John, 1838-1905 #50.5 7
Hayward, Daisy #50.96
Hegermann-Lindencrone, L. de (Lillie de), 1844-1928 #50.81
奥利弗·温德尔·福尔摩斯(1841-1935 #50.13
Hooper, Ellen #50.75
Hooper, Eunice #50.70
Hooper, Loulie #50.75
Hooper, Polly #50.75
Hooper, Robert W., 1810-1885 #50.69
Howe, George D. #50.65
LaFarge, John, 1835-1910 #50.103
Lamar, L. Q. C. (Lucius Quintus cincinnatus, 1825-1893 #50.18
Langdon, [Miss] #50.51
Lowndes, James #50.73
Lyman, Mrs. Theodore (Mimi) #50.62
Lyman, Theodore, 1833-1897 #50.62
McLean, Emily Beale #50.85
迈尔斯,纳尔逊·阿普尔顿(1839-1925 #50.105
米勒,伊丽莎白·格里利(莉莉)·梅里尔,1853-1932 #50.21
Minot, Grace #50.79
Moulton, N. #50.83
Parkman, Francis, 1823-1893 #50.58
Pendleton, [Miss] #50.36
Peters, Mrs. [Willius?] #50.32
Pratt, Alice #50.65
Pratt, Mrs. Ellerton #50.65
Pumpelly, Raphael, 1837-1923 #50.4
Richardson, Clifford #50.106
Richardson, H. H. (Henry Hobson), 1838-1886 #50.11
萨金特,玛丽安·阿普尔顿·柯立芝 #50.84
Scott, Mrs. James #50.63
See also Photo. 6.2.2 [glass plate negative]
Silsbee, Patty #50.24
Valera, Señor #50.102
海伦·海(1875-1944 #50.91
Wilder, Betsy #50.67

Place Subject Index

Place Photo #
亚当斯国家历史公园(昆西,马萨诸塞州.) #50.42
Arlington National Cemetery #50.41
Beverly Farms (Mass.) #50.46
Bladensburg (Md.) #50.98
Cleveland (Ohio) #50.89
Falmouth (Mass.) #50.96
Manchester (Mass.) #50.63
Marblehead (Mass.) #50.70
Mount Vernon (Va.: Estate) #50.138
Old Sweet Springs (Va.) #50.106
Washington (D.C.) #50.1
Wenlock Abbey (England) #50.134

Preferred Citation

Marian Hooper Adams摄影,图片. Coll. 50,马萨诸塞州历史学会照片 Archives.

Access Terms

这个利记手机官网在下列标题下进行索引 ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the 马萨诸塞州历史学会. 研究人员需要有关相关人员的资料; 组织或主题应该使用这些标题搜索目录.


Adams, Abigail Brooks 1808-1889--Photographs.
Adams, Charles Francis, 1807-1886--Photographs.
Adams, Charles Francis, 1835-1915--Photographs.
Adams, Charles F. (Charles Francis), 1866-1954--Photographs.
Adams, George Caspar, 1863-1900--Photographs.
Adams, Mary Ogden, 1843-1935--Photographs.
Bancroft, George, 1800-1891--Photographs.
Dodge, Rebecca--Photographs.
Evarts, William Maxwell, 1818-1901--Photographs.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1841-1935--Photographs.
Hooper, Robert W., 1810-1885--Photographs.
Lyman, Theodore, 1833-1897--Photographs.
Parkman, Francis, 1823-1893--Photographs.
Quincy, Mary Adams, 1845-1928--Photographs.
Richardson, H. H. (Henry Hobson), 1838-1886--Photographs.
Whitney, Helen Hay, 1875-1944--Photographs.


亚当斯国家历史公园(昆西, Mass.)--Photographs.
Beverly Farms (Mass.)--Photographs.
Bladensburg (Md.)--Photographs.
Old Sweet Springs (Va.)--Photographs.
Photograph albums.
政客们——美国——19 century--Photographs.
Washington (D.C.)--Photographs.